Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Words I misspell

Did I spell misspell right?

Without the aid of microsoft words spellcheck, I would be a horrible speller. In fact I'm probably making dozens of mistakes right now because I'm not using it to type this out. But I've noticed that I continue to misspell the same words continually no matter how many times I see them written out. Finally I decided that I would make a list of all these words just for fun. Here are the words in their misspelt fashion:

1. recomended

2. dissappear

3. proffessor

4. liscence / lisence

5. milennium

6. wierd (I mean I always thought it was I before E except after C, you know??)

7. neccessarily

8. dissappointed

9. moniter

10. docter

11. seperates / seperate

12. definately / definitly

13. recognise (now that I google this, it appears to be spelled okay? I'm not sure now.)

14. occasionaly

*I should also note that for some reason when I was younger, I used to spell catalog as catalogue. I don't think that wore off until the end of highschool.

When I look at that list, half of those words look right to me. I have problems with using multiple letters in succesion.....succsession...wait........succession. ARGH! like cc's, epe's, ff's, and ss's. I don't expect to ever start spelling these correctly. But I just wonder if anyone else has the same problem with them like me. Don't worry though, I NEVER spell 'lose' as 'loose' and I'm proud of at least that accomplishment. I also say the proper 'anyway' instead of 'anyways,' due to my friend teasing me about it in highschool. However, do make the grammatical mistake of saying 'on accident' rather than the correct 'by accident.'

After researching the on/by accident issue, I found an interesting website that lists a lot of spelling and grammatical errors.

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