Monday, May 23, 2011

Leaving for a Wedding and a vaycay!

Wednesday I'll be flying to NC for my little brothers wedding. I'm very excited! And I'm also so busy that I think I probably won't be able to accomplish much of anything that I originally wanted to before I leave. So...sorry, no pictures this time! I thought about maybe bringing my laptop and blogging while at the airport, but I found out that the airports I'll be stopping in don't have free internet, so that's a no-go.

I'm pretty upset about my cherry tomatoes because a few weeks ago I rigged up the self timer to do all of the work and as I probably talked about, they were getting plenty of water. (Even more than enough) However, now I've tested it again and they aren't getting enough at all. Soooo... I think that my Cherry tomatoes will probably die while I'm gone. I'm going to tell my roommates to water them if they can, but I'm 80% positive that they probably won't. It's okay though, because I've gotten a lot of produce from them and I think I'll sneak a big bag on the plane and bring them home to my family. It's sad to think about the poor things dying, but they are just plants and they aren't people. (sometimes this is hard to remember)

I had more than 10 zucchini's in the fridge and I've shredded them up and put them in the freezer. I found one super large zucchini that was way overgrown, shredded it up, and put it in the compost. I made zucchini bread and it turned out great! So the zucchini is all taken care of and probably won't pollinate itself while I'm gone. Although it will be very frustrated because of this, I am sure. Some of my larger cherry tomatoes are getting ripe, but I'm going to put them in the closet maybe. (YES, the closet. LOL- more on this when I come back) I might have to try and bring back some eggplants with me as well.

Okay, just wanted to give you guys a heads up. I'll be gone for a week and a half, and I'll try to sneak a post or two in in the meantime. C-Ya!

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