Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Bonsai Sunflower

Look closely at the picture of my sunflower. Does something seem a bit off to you? Maybe it's because my sunflower is not even a foot tall and it looks like it's already getting its bloom going. What in the world!? Is it because I haven't transplanted it yet? I'm so confused.

I still haven't finished my big project. I'm estimating I'll be done later this week.


  1. My sunflower? It grew to be about a foot and a half and then stopped permanently! It looked almost like a daisy!

  2. Did it ever flower? Did you have to keep roots trimmed? I have one growing indoors I didn't expect to grow as it's winter. It's about a foot tall still in original small pot. Wondering if I can get it to flower-a-la-bonsai?

  3. It did eventually flower, Tony. Although it looked like an orange daisy more than a sunflower. I never trimmed the roots.
