I've been compiling my christmas wishlist. Here are a few of the things I wish I could have!

I want this Liz Claiborne dress from JCPenneys! Tried it on in the store and it looks much better in real life than it does in this picture. It's super cute and feminine. Since the store didn't have my size I'd have to buy it online, although they've been changing the online price of it constantly. The other day it was like 49 and today its 59. So annoying.
I want these dolce vita boots! On sale from 200 down to 119. They only have size 8.5 left, whcih means if I want them I better order them now because they are selling out. Another problem is I don't really have anywhere to wear them (especially now that I no longer live in NYC). I suppose I could wear them around, although I've never been someone who wears high heels out shopping. BUT I could wear them to art shows.

I want this book! Not much to see here, yes it is a boring cover.

This little kit. Don't be fooled! It comes with a miniature anatomically correct skeleton which is useful for anatomy studies. Several artists have recommended it.

This book is sold by the Met and I got to take a peek inside of it. It has a bunch of drawings, which are amazing to look at.

This book has a ton of examples of fabric prints, which would be very useful for me.

I need a new camera! My camera is about 6-7 years old and I can't even buy the battery pack or SD cards for it anymore. This is a picture of the HD Hero 2 camera, which is actually mainly used for outdoor filming, but I wouldn't mind having it for everyday use. It's only 299.00 which is a far cry from the other camera I want, a Canon 5D which is thousands. Oh, wishful thinking!

Here is another book that would be fun to have.
All of these books are really only the tip of the iceberg. there are a ton of figure drawings and anatomy books I want, plus music CD's. If only I were rich!